This kid is going to be the death of me! I know my mother does a little dance of I told you so when she sees Denali. I think she is me part 2 and as my mom said "you"ll get your just rewards when you have kids!" The only difference is that I was never the fashion diva or modeling queen. We butt heads alot but I am convinced it is because we are so similar.
She is truly a joy and keeps us hopping!
Here is a picture with her friend Lexie before we left UT. We had packed up most of the house but Sakoya's Trek clothes were still out. They put them on and had a fashion show! It was way fun! These two were a kick! Crazy thing about Lexi is that her dad grew up in Basin which is about 35 minutes from here. We are hoping to have her come visit when they make it up this way!
First day of school, long hard thought went into this outfit and mom had to spend the morning curling her hair! We had to look fashion model good on the first day!
This picture is from crazy hair day at school! I wish you could see the sparkle (that she made her dad buy) and how high I got it to stand off her head. She ended up being sent to the principals office because her teacher wanted her to show off how cool it looked!
She is a great kid and we love her even if sometimes she drives us crazy! She is loving 3rd grade and school and has made a really good friend named Ashley. Ashley lives just across the street and keeps Denali in line. Denali has invited and we have taken Ashley to church a couple times as well as primary activities and ward dinners!